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Perfecting your Dental Hygiene Assessments 2 Hours

Facilitator: Sue Eckenswiller RDH, B.Sc., B.Ed., M. Ed.

This online course focuses on techniques to help the practising Dental Hygienist provide a comprehensive dental hygiene assessment in keeping with the CDHO Standards of Practice.
This course is comprised of an -in-depth examination of the eight assessments that constitute a complete dental hygiene examination as they relate to the dental hygiene process of care and the Professional Portfolio "Typical Day".

CQI Alert! This fits with the Dental Hygiene Process of Care which is listed on the suggested list of learning goal topics found on page c-8- of the CDHO’s Professional Portfolio guide.

Layered Learning Alert! Dental Hygiene assessments is an excellent topic for supplemental layered learning with the Dental Hygiene Process of Care.

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Perfecting your Dental Hygiene Assessments

$50.00 Regular Price

Price including tax: $56.50

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